Robot Framework. Keep autotesting.

Li Misha
5 min readOct 30, 2020


Any released product before its release must pass a series of tests: load, acceptance, functional, system, modular, etc.

Robot Framework (RF, link) is a versatile open source system for acceptance testing and robotic work.

This is exactly acceptance testing — testing carried out at the stage of delivery of a finished product or part of a product. Acceptance testing goals are to test the business logic of your product, or part of a product. RF is based on the keyword-driven test format.

Advantages of using the Robot Framework:

· Keyword Driven Testing (KDT) approach: having keywords available, test development can be done by a QA specialist with no or minimal programming skills.

· Variety of internal libraries: for RF there are over 40 different libraries, if the functionality from the ready-made libraries is not enough, then you can use external library (link)or implement and connect your own library.

· Own development environment RIDE (GUi). In addition, if necessary, it is possible to use plugins to work in the IDE and some text editors. Tests are plain-text format.

· Convenient and detailed logs with test results: from them you can get a lot of information in case of problems with tests.

To work with RF, there are already a sufficient number of IDE, a set of IDE settings algorithms, so that you can run tests from it.

RF is written in Python, therefore, to work with it, you need to have Python installed on your computer.

RF Installation:

1. Install Python

2. pip install robotframework

3. Add paths to the PATH environment variable:


4. pip install robotframework-ride

In general, RF is a tool that can be imposed on top of any testing system and, thanks to the modules, it can interact with them, performing high-level testing.

In order for the RF to be able to pull its requests in the desired sequence, some test data is needed. To do this, i developed a project consisting of several Robot Framework tests and connected different libraries to them.

Target system for testing:

The autotest consists of two parts:

· testing the connection and the response received from the server

· testing some web forms on the site for the correctness of their work

For Web forms testing you can use SeleniumLibrary. And for its workability you should install webdriver for the appropriate internet browser on your PC.

Webdriver installation:

For Example, Google Chrome driver you can download here:

Save the exe-file chromedriver.exe (you do not need to install it — it is not an installation file) on your computer and write in the PATH environment variable the path to the directory in which it is saved.

After that reboot your PC and start RIDE using console command: If Python is correctly installed (you can check this “python --version”) and Environment variables are registered this command will launch RIDE


Here we can see created Test Suite structure. It consists of different global and scalar variables, one test case “tBTC_Explorer_Get_Request_Check_Status” and several keywords: “Check_Response_Text”, “Open_Target_Page”, “Check_Clicked_Address_Page” and others:

Let’s start our autotest

We can see that test has completed successfully — 1 test total, 1 passed

Using the interface, you can open the logs and see the results of each keyword and test case.

If an error occurs somewhere, you can always find the place of its occurrence and quickly eliminate it.

What does the autotest do?

1. Import several external Python libraries

2. Creates a connection (GET Request) to the website

3. Checks the GET response and presence of some parameters in the response

4. Import chrome webdriver and launch one instance of browser with connecting to the website by the link

5. Prompts you to select one of the addresses in the list for checking by entering it in the search for an address field

6. Checks the correctness of the entered data

7. Checks some locators like id, class, name, etc to find necessary elements and their required values on the web page

8. The page opens completely without errors if all stages of testing are passed.

9. The test suite gets the “Passed” status

Thus, any application, website, product that enter the market must first of all be tested for possible errors in the code, execution logic, business logic and other things necessary for the effective and efficient operation of the released tool.

Moreover, automated testing allows you to save time at times and in one launch check a huge number of options for using the application under test, passing various parameters to it as input and receiving the expected values ​​after completion

